Wednesday 4 November 2015

  • Do you know that a Bad Meal can rob you of Happiness and Energy?
  •  Do you miss Home-cooked food?
  •  Are tired of eating too greasy, too spicy market food that provides Low to Zero Nutrition?
  • Do you Compromise on the Taste of your meals because you are restricted by Time & Money?
  • Are you worried about the Unhealthy Calories you take in but have no good replacement option?
  • Do you wish you didn't have to spend so much time cooking meals early morning?
  • Are you looking for Freshly Cooked Home-made meal that Satisfies you from within?

In this super paced world, we are lucky to have a job that keeps our lifestyle and needs together, but there is price to pay... There're deadline one has to meet somehow, days one just has to show up and get working. Some people even pay the price by eating everything they should not be because road-side foods and junk foods don't really provide nutritional value as very often the method & ingredients are far from quality. You don't even realise how gradually your energy depletes, waist line increases, your ability to deal with stress goes down and everything in life gets effected.

Lots of people have a myth that Indian food is unhealthy, but it is the most accurate combination of nutrients and taste. What makes one unhealthy is not Indian food but Market food and that can be fixed.

Everything starts from your well-being and well-being starts from Quality meal and we, at Home Food Hunger, are here to provide a hearty good meal! Located in Noida, we are a family who understand the need for a simple but essential things to make a good living.